Radical Starts with Us

One church’s commitment to reaching their community

“Radical obedience to Christ is not easy… It’s not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us.”

― David Platt, Radical

When we think of radical Christianity, we often think of the first-century church. Scriptures such as Acts 2:45 paint that picture for us. “[All the believers] sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” Perhaps without a second thought, these new believers were giving of themselves for the sake of the hurting around them. Is this kind of radical faith still a part of Christian fellowships today?

The answer is yes! As churches step into orphan care, we are seeing faith more radical than ever!

Meet Josh Morgan, pastor of Connect4Life Church in Waxahachie, TX. His family’s life was impacted by adoption and through their personal journey, an entire ministry was born!

After walking alongside their pastor through the highs and lows of adoption through foster care, the congregation at Connect4LIFE became all in for orphan care.

Years later, the fruit of their radical faith is seen vibrantly!

  • Dozens of children have been welcomed home through foster care.
  • Five children now have a forever family through adoption!
  • The church daycare serves local foster families by providing childcare.
  • A clothing and resource closet was developed to support foster and adoptive families as they receive new placements!
  • By financially supporting Backyard Orphans on a monthly basis, they are multiplying their own ministry as church leaders are trained to develop a foster care, adoption, and support ministry around the nation!
  • By hosting an annual Ride For The Kids motorcycle fundraiser to benefit Backyard Orphans, they are helping more hurting children find healing homes!

The thing about radical Christianity is that is has to start somewhere. It starts with you, it starts with me, it starts with us! So where is God calling you to start?

Eric Porter

Eric Porter

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

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