Every Sunday is Orphan Sunday

What you can do on any given Sunday

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. [He] sets the lonely in families…” Psalm 68:5-6a

God is not a god of isolation. In fact, this Scripture tells us the opposite. He places the lonely in families. Why? Because true life change happens in the context of relationship!

From the beginning of the human timeline, God has been a proponent of relationship. He saw that it wasn’t good for man to be alone, so He created the very first family–Adam and Eve. Since then, God has been in the business of restoring families to unity, building meaningful relationships, and growing loving communities.

If a local church is healthy, they’re in the same business! Restoring families. Building relationships. Growing communities. This is why you see greeters and host teams each week. Their mission? To welcome people “home.” It’s why you are most likely in a life group or a small group. To make a big church feel small and family-like.

The Church has historically been good at inviting people into God’s family. We’re getting better at welcoming people into our local church families. But what we’re still working toward, is being a part of restoring literal families through orphan care.

November is National Adoption Month and Orphan Sunday is right around the corner on November 10. It’s a perfect time to bring extra emphasis to orphan care! You can…

  • Celebrate foster and adoptive families from the pulpit!
  • Publicly bless a foster or adoptive family with gift cards or a date night!
  • Bring in an orphan care speaker to teach about James 1:27 or Psalm 68:5-6.
  • Recruit families to foster or adopt.
  • Invite child welfare workers to your service and honor them!

The list could go on and on and we’d just be scratching the surface of creative ways to bring awareness to orphan care.

Know this–to preach the Gospel is to preach the restoration of family; to preach the Gospel is to preach orphan care. What does this mean for us? It means that every Sunday is “Orphan Sunday.” It means every Sunday is a chance to bring people into a family, whether that be spiritual, relational, or literal.

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